Monday, December 1, 2008

Returning Group Policy Information for an OU

Returns the values found on the Group Policy page in Active Directory Users and Computers for the Sales OU

On Error Resume Next
Set objContainer = GetObject _
strGpLink = objContainer.Get("gPLink")
intGpOptions = objContainer.Get("gPOptions")
If strGpLink <> " " Then
  arrGpLinkItems = Split(strGpLink,"]")
  For i = UBound(arrGPLinkItems) to LBound(arrGpLinkItems) + 1 Step -1
    arrGPLink = Split(arrGpLinkItems(i-1),";")
    strDNGPLink = Mid(arrGPLink(0),9)
    WScript.Echo GetGPOName
    Select Case arrGPLink(1)
      Case 0
        WScript.Echo "No Override is cleared and the GPO is enabled."
      Case 1
        WScript.Echo "No Override is cleared and the GPO is disabled."
      Case 2
        WScript.Echo "No Override is checked and the GPO is enabled."
      Case 3
        WScript.Echo "No Override is checked and the GPO is disabled."
    End Select
  WScript.Echo VbCrLf
End If
If intGpOptions = 1 Then
  WScript.Echo "Block Policy Inheritance is checked."
  WScript.Echo "Block Policy Inheritance is not checked."
End If
Function GetGPOName
  Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")  
  objConnection.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"   
  Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
  objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
  objCommand.CommandText = _
  "<LDAP://cn=Policies,cn=System,dc=NA,dc=fabrikam,dc=com>;;" & _
  Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
  While Not objRecordSet.EOF
    If objRecordSet.Fields("distinguishedName") = strDNGPLink Then
      GetGPOName = objRecordSet.Fields("displayName")
      Exit Function
    End If
End Function

This is a VB Script, this can be used by saving the file in .vbs file