314980 How to configure Active Directory diagnostic event logging in Windows
Value Path: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\DiagnosticsEach of the following REG_DWORD values under the Diagnostics subkey represent a type of event that can be written to the event log:Value Names:1 Knowledge Consistency Checker2 Security Events3 ExDS Interface Events4 MAPI Interface Events5 Replication Events6 Garbage Collection7 Internal Configuration8 Directory Access9 Internal Processing10 Performance Counters11 Initialization/Termination12 Service Control13 Name Resolution14 Backup15 Field Engineering16 LDAP Interface Events17 Setup18 Global Catalog19 Inter-site MessagingThe following values are valid only on Windows Server 2003:20 Group Caching21 Linked-Value Replication22 DS RPC Client23 DS RPC Server24 DS SchemaValue Type: REG_DWORDValue Data: <0-5>Output: Directory Services Event Log