Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Displaying Domain Password Attributes

Displays password policy settings for the domain.

Const MIN_IN_DAY = 1440, SEC_IN_MIN = 60
Set objDomain = GetObject("WinNT://fabrikam")
Set objAdS = GetObject("LDAP://dc=fabrikam,dc=com")
intMaxPwdAgeSeconds = objDomain.Get("MaxPasswordAge")
intMinPwdAgeSeconds = objDomain.Get("MinPasswordAge")
intLockOutObservationWindowSeconds = objDomain.Get("LockoutObservationInterval")
intLockoutDurationSeconds = objDomain.Get("AutoUnlockInterval")
intMinPwdLength = objAds.Get("minPwdLength")
intPwdHistoryLength = objAds.Get("pwdHistoryLength")
intPwdProperties = objAds.Get("pwdProperties")
intLockoutThreshold = objAds.Get("lockoutThreshold")
intMaxPwdAgeDays = _
  ((intMaxPwdAgeSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN)/MIN_IN_DAY) & " days"
intMinPwdAgeDays = _
  ((intMinPwdAgeSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN)/MIN_IN_DAY) & " days"
intLockOutObservationWindowMinutes = _
  (intLockOutObservationWindowSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN) & " minutes"
If intLockoutDurationSeconds <> -1 Then
  intLockoutDurationMinutes = _
(intLockOutDurationSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN) & " minutes"
  intLockoutDurationMinutes = _
    "Administrator must manually unlock locked accounts"
End If
WScript.Echo "maxPwdAge = " & intMaxPwdAgeDays
WScript.Echo "minPwdAge = " & intMinPwdAgeDays
WScript.Echo "minPwdLength = " & intMinPwdLength
WScript.Echo "pwdHistoryLength = " & intPwdHistoryLength
WScript.Echo "pwdProperties = " & intPwdProperties
WScript.Echo "lockOutThreshold = " & intLockoutThreshold
WScript.Echo "lockOutObservationWindow = " & intLockOutObservationWindowMinutes
WScript.Echo "lockOutDuration = " & intLockoutDurationMinutes

This is a VB Script, this can be used by saving the file in .vbs file