Thursday, December 4, 2008

Troubleshooting 'RPC Server is too busy errors'

This error is usually the result of a time synchronization problem between domain controllers. For more information see KB article 257187.

One method of synchronizing time amongst domain controllers is to use the net time command to synchronize the time with the computer that holds the primary domain controller (PDC) emulator operations master role. To do this, use the following command:
net time \\<PDC emulator> /set /y

This command instructs the local computer to synchronize its time with the PDC emulator. The /set option specifies that the time not only be queried, but synchronized with the specified server. The /y switch skips the confirmation for changing the time on the local computer.

Another method is to use the W32tm tool to determine if a time server is explicitly configured for the local computer and if synchronizations against that host are not working. At a command prompt on the server displaying the error messages, type the following:
w32tm –v

In the sample output below, a time server named DC01 has been configured, but it is unreachable by the local computer:
W32Time:  BEGIN:GetSocketForSynch
W32Time:  NTP:  ntpptrs[0] - DC01
W32Time:  rgbNTPServer DC01
W32Time:  NTP:  gethostbyname failed
W32Time:  Port Pinging to - 123
W32Time:  NTP:  connect failed
W32Time:  END:Line 1147

For more information on the Windows Time service and how clients synchronize their time, see KB article 224799.